Processing math: 100%
  • Structure of Package ‘PWEXP’
  • 0. Install Package ‘PWEXP’
  • 1. Simulate Data
    • 1.1 Basic Usage of simdata()
    • 1.2 Generate Data with User-defined Distributions
  • 2. Split Data to Obtain Training/Interim Data
  • 3. Fit a Piecewise Exponential Model
  • 4. Bootstrap Model (optional)
  • 5. Prediction Future Events & Timeline
  • Appendix
    • A. Distribution
      • A.1 Piecewise Exponential Distribution
      • A.2 Conditional Piecewise Exponential Distribution
    • B. Estimation of Piecewise Exponential Model
      • B.1 Parameter Estimation
      • B.2 Estimation of Breakpoints
      • B.3 Summary
    • C. Deal with Tail Problem
    • D. Simulate Event Curve or Timeline
  • Reference

Structure of Package ‘PWEXP’

The `PWEXP’package provides a complete set of tools to work with survival data with piecewise exponential distribution. It also makes event prediction based on the fitted model. Specifically, it has several components for different tasks:

  • Simulate Data: (you can skip this part if you work with an existing dataset)
    • the simdata() function generates synthetic survival dataset with
      • randomization time defined by randomization rate (number of subjects per month) or randomization curve (number of subjects in each month)
      • multiple treatment groups with stratification by user-defined allocation ratio
      • primary endpoint (event), drop-out (censor) and death with exponential distribution or user-defined distributions (e.g., piecewise exponential, mixture distribution, etc.) for each stratification in each group
    • the plot_survival() function plots KM estimator for the right censored data
    • the plot_event() function plots the number of cumulative events
  • Split Data:
    • the cut_dat() function cuts the data by a clinical cut-off date (DCOD). Only subjects who are randomized before the specified time will be kept. It also recensors the data at the specified time. It is useful to create a training set.
  • Fit a Piecewise Exponential Model:
    • the function fits the piecewise exponential model to right censored data
      • with pre-specified breakpoints
      • or with partially pre-specified breakpoints
      • or with unknown breakpoints (to be fitted from the data)
    • the function obtains model AIC, BIC
    • the conducts model cross validation and obtains the CV log likelihood
    • the plot_survival() plots fitted survival curve for object
  • Bootstrap the Model to Get CI (optional):
    • the conducts bootstrapping for an existing model
    • the plot_survival() plots fitted survival curve and its CI for object
  • Prediction Events and Timeline
    • the predict() function takes event model and drop-out (censor) model (optional) to make event prediction and timeline prediction
    • the predict() function provides the CI of predicted number of events or timeline (for bootstrapping model)
    • the plot_event() plots predicted number of events (for object and its CI (if applicable, for object
  • Auxiliary Functions

0. Install Package ‘PWEXP’

You need to install package fastmatch before installing PWEXP.

# load doSNOW package if you want parallel computing

# (optionally) you can install package from Github

1. Simulate Data

1.1 Basic Usage of simdata()

You can skip this part if you work with an existing dataset. Here we use simdata() function to generate a simple example dataset (this subsection is irrelevant to all following sections. It just shows how to use simdata() function):

  • two groups with sample size ratio 1:2 (treatment vs. control);
  • randomization curve is defined as 10 pt/month in the first 2 months and 5 pt/month in the following 20 months;
  • the primary endpoint (event) follows an exponential distribution with hazard rate 0.01, 0.05 for treatment and control group;
  • the drop-out follows an exponential distribution with drop-out probability 3%/month (equivalently, drop-out hazard rate is -log(1-0.03)=0.0304) for both groups;
  • the death event follows an exponential distribution with hazard rate 0, 0.005 for each group;
  • argument add_column request some extra variables.
demo_dat0 <- simdata(group = c('trt','control'), n_rand = c(10,10,rep(5,20)),
                     allocation = c(1,2), event_lambda = c(0.01, 0.05), 
                     drop_rate = 0.03, death_lambda = c(0, 0.005), 
                     add_column = c('eventT_abs','dropT_abs','deathT_abs','followT','followT_abs','censor','event','censor_reason'))
##   ID group      randT    eventT    dropT deathT eventT_abs dropT_abs deathT_abs
## 1  1   trt  0.6225994  80.20827 37.49508    Inf   80.83087  38.11768        Inf
## 2  2   trt  8.9574934  12.73224 34.16406    Inf   21.68974  43.12155        Inf
## 3  3   trt 19.7647359  41.60280 17.98190    Inf   61.36754  37.74663        Inf
## 4  4   trt  1.9460523 254.63692 46.49410    Inf  256.58297  48.44016        Inf
## 5  5   trt 17.5764884 215.03632 33.89415    Inf  232.61281  51.47063        Inf
## 6  6   trt  5.5198916  39.81326 16.37645    Inf   45.33315  21.89634        Inf
##    followT followT_abs censor event censor_reason
## 1 37.49508    38.11768      1     0      drop_out
## 2 12.73224    21.68974      0     1          <NA>
## 3 17.98190    37.74663      1     0      drop_out
## 4 46.49410    48.44016      1     0      drop_out
## 5 33.89415    51.47063      1     0      drop_out
## 6 16.37645    21.89634      1     0      drop_out

In the generated dataset:

  • randT is the randomization time
  • eventT, dropT, deathT are the underlying primary event, drop-out, death time
  • followT is the follow-up time, which is the minimum value of eventT, dropT, deathT
  • eventT_abs, dropT_abs, deathT_abs, followT_abs are the corresponding time from the beginning of the trial
  • cenosr, event indicate whether the primary event happened at the end of follow-up; if a subject is censored, censor_reason shows the type of censoring (i.e., ‘drop_out’,‘death’ or ‘never_event’(when followT=inf)))

The diagram below shows the relationship between these variables:

1.2 Generate Data with User-defined Distributions

In the follow parts of the demonstration, we will use a single group with piecewise exponential distribution endpoint:

# define the piecewiese exponential event generation function
myevent_dist <- function(n)rpwexp(n, rate=c(0.1, 0.01, 0.2), breakpoint=c(5,14))
# you can use any generation function in simdata function, for example, use a weibull density:
# myevent_dist <- function(n)rweibull(n, shape=0.5, scale=10)
# use advanced_dist to adopt user-defined distribution, see function help for more details
dat <- simdata(rand_rate = 20, total_sample = 1000, drop_rate = 0.03,  
               advanced_dist = list(event_dist=myevent_dist),
               add_column = c('censor_reason','event','followT','followT_abs'))

We can use the plot_survival() function to plot the survival curve and cumulative number of events:

plot_survival(dat$eventT, dat$event, = F, mark.time = T, xlim = c(0, 25), main='Survival Function of the Simu Data')
plot_event(dat$eventT, abs_time = F, dat$event, xlim = c(0, 25), main='Number of Cumulative Events of the Simu Data')

2. Split Data to Obtain Training/Interim Data

Here for example, we cut the dataset by the time (DCOD, clinical cut-off date) when 80% percent subject are randomized. Only subjects who are randomized before the specified time will be kept in the returned data. The returned data will be recensored at the specified time. This step is to create a training set. In real data analysis, this step may not be needed.

cut <- quantile(dat$randT, 0.8)
train <- cut_dat(cut = cut, data = dat, var_randT = 'randT', 
                 var_followT = 'followT', var_followT_abs = 'followT_abs',
                 var_event = 'event', var_censor_reason = 'censor_reason')

3. Fit a Piecewise Exponential Model

We will fit several piecewise exponential models on the training set:

  • fit_a0 has pre-specified breakpoints at time = 5, 14
  • fit_a1 has one pre-specified breakpoint at time = 14, and the total number of breakpoint is 2. The other breakpoint will be estimated from the data
  • fit_b0 to fit_b4 have 0 to 4 unknown breakpoints. Note the fit_b0 model is actually an exponential model since there is NO breakpoints.
fit_a0 <-$followT, train$event, breakpoint = c(5,14))
fit_a1 <-$followT, train$event, nbreak = 2, breakpoint = c(14))
# argument 'exclude_int' defines an interval that excludes any estimated breakpoints. for example:
# fit_a1 <-$followT, train$event, nbreak = 2, breakpoint = c(5), exclude_int=c(8,Inf))
fit_b0 <-$followT, train$event, nbreak = 0)
fit_b1 <-$followT, train$event, nbreak = 1)
fit_b2 <-$followT, train$event, nbreak = 2)
fit_b3 <-$followT, train$event, nbreak = 3)
fit_b4 <-$followT, train$event, nbreak = 4)

We plot BIC of these models and find that among all models without pre-specified breakpoints, fit_b2 with the correct number of breakpoints has the lowest BIC value. We can also use cross validation to help us choose the model. The model fit_b2 with the correct number of breakpoints has the highest CV log likelihood.

model_name <- c('2 fixed breakpoints', '1 fixed + 1 unknown bkp', '0 unknown bkp (exp model)', '1 unknown bkp', '2 unknown bkp', '3 unknown bkp', '4 unknown bkp')
model_ind <- c('a0','a1',paste0('b',0:4))
col <- c(brewer.pal(3, 'Pastel1')[1:2], brewer.pal(9, 'Greens')[3:7])

# Plot BIC for each model
barplot(c(fit_a0$BIC, fit_a1$BIC, fit_b0$BIC, fit_b1$BIC, fit_b2$BIC, fit_b3$BIC, fit_b4$BIC), xlab='Model', ylab='BIC', ylim=c(2700,3400), xpd=F, col=col, names.arg=model_ind, main='BIC of Fitted Models')
legend('topleft', model_name, fill=col, ncol=2, text.width=3.5)

# Cross validate fitted models
nsim <- 50
fit_a0_cv <-, nsim = nsim)
fit_a1_cv <-, nsim = nsim)
fit_b0_cv <-, nsim = nsim)
fit_b1_cv <-, nsim = nsim)
fit_b2_cv <-, nsim = nsim, parallel= TRUE, mc.core = 10)
fit_b3_cv <-, nsim = nsim, parallel= TRUE, mc.core = 10) # optionally set parallel=TRUE to use parallel computing
# alternatively, we can specify a new model in the function instead of CV a fitted model, for example:
fit_b4_cv <-$followT, train$event, nbreak=4, nsim=nsim)
boxplot(cv~model_ind, data.frame(cv=c(fit_a0_cv, fit_a1_cv, fit_b0_cv, fit_b1_cv, fit_b2_cv, fit_b3_cv, fit_b4_cv), model_ind=rep(model_ind, each=nsim)), ylab='CV log likelihood', xlab='Model', ylim=c(-320,-250), col=col, main='CV log likelihood of Fitted Models')
legend('topleft', model_name, fill=col, ncol=2, text.width=3)

We then plot the fitted curves of some of these models.

(Sometimes we will see an ‘abnormal’ tail (e.g., sudden drop near tail), see ‘Deal with Tail Problem’ Section for more details.)

# Plot fitted survival curves
plot_survival(train$followT, train$event, xlim=c(0,40), main='Fitted Models with Different Number of Breakpoints')
plot_survival(fit_b0, col='green', lwd=2)
plot_survival(fit_b1, col='blue', lwd=3, show_breakpoint = F)
plot_survival(fit_b2,  col='red', lwd=3, breakpoint_par = list(col='grey50', lty=2))
plot_survival(fit_b3, col='orange', lwd=3, show_breakpoint = F)
legend('topright',c('training data', '0 breakpoints','1 breakpoint','2 breakpoints','3 breakpoints'), lwd=3, col=c('black', 'green','blue','red','orange'))

4. Bootstrap Model (optional)

We will use bootstrap to estimate the uncertainty of estimated parameters. We take model fit_b2 as an example.

# bootstrap the model
fit_b2_boot <-, nsim = 50)
# set parallel=TRUE to use parallel computing
# fit_b2_boot <-, nsim = 50, parallel = TRUE, mc.core = 10)

# plot data and the fitted model with 95% CI
plot_survival(train$followT, train$event, xlim=c(0,40), main='Fitted Model for Primary Events with 95% CI')
plot_survival(fit_b2_boot, col='red', alpha=0.05, CI_par = list(col='#ff9896'))
# plot 95% CI of estimated breakpoints
brk_ci <- apply(attr(fit_b2_boot, 'brk'), 2, function(x)quantile(x,c(0.025,0.975)))
abline(v=brk_ci, col='grey', lwd=2, lty=3)

5. Prediction Future Events & Timeline

In order to do prediction, we also need to build a model for drop-out and death (the censoring model) in addition to the event model. The censoring model is very similar to the event model in Section 3, but the response of the model is drop-out and death instead of the primary events (not including censoring by clinical cut-off date). The model is optional when the drop-out (and death) rate is very low.

Here, drop_indicator is a time-to-event endpoint that represents the time of drop-out (and we do not have death in the simulated data), and it will be used as the response variable in the censoring model. We will fit an exponential model with bootstrapping.

drop_indicator <-  ifelse(train$censor_reason=='drop_out' & !$censor_reason),1,0)
plot_survival(train$followT, drop_indicator, xlim=c(0,40), ylab='Survival function of drop-out', main='Fitted Censoring Model for Drop-out with 95% CI')
fit_censor_boot <-$followT, drop_indicator, nbreak = 0, nsim = 50)
plot_survival(fit_censor_boot, col='red', alpha=0.01, CI_par = list(col='#ff9896'))

Finally, we use predict() function to predict the number of events in the future. Note the returned object from predict() contains event curve functions and it should be used in plot_event() function to obtain the estimated events and to plot the curve.

predicted_boot <- predict(fit_b2_boot, analysis_time=cut, censor_model_boot=fit_censor_boot, future_rand=list(rand_rate=20, total_sample=NROW(dat)-NROW(train)))

We use plot_event() function to plot the event curve:

# you can view the number of events without plotting anything by setting plot=F
# plot_event(predicted_boot, eval_at = seq(40, 90, 5), plot = FALSE)

# or you can plot the event curve
plot_event(dat$followT_abs, abs_time=T, event=dat$event, ylim=c(0, 800), main='Predicted Number of Events')
plot_event(train$followT_abs, abs_time=T, event=train$event, add=T, col='blue')
pred_event <- plot_event(predicted_boot, eval_at = seq(40, 90, 5))
legend('bottomright', c('data used to train model', 'true event curve', 'predicted event curve'), lwd=2, col=c('blue', 'black', 'red'))

Here is the estimated number of events specified by argument eval_at:

##      time  n_event 5% n_event 95% n_event
## [1,]   40       NA         NA          NA
## [2,]   45 521.3936   515.2072    527.3660
## [3,]   50 596.7533   588.6054    608.2372
## [4,]   55 648.6572   639.3276    661.2978
## [5,]   60 680.6617   670.0583    692.4307
## [6,]   65 709.3788   697.9938    720.8868

By adding argument xyswitch=TRUE, we can use plot_event function to obtain the timeline given the number of events in the future.

plot_event(dat$followT_abs, xlim=c(0, 800), event=dat$event, xyswitch=T, main='Predicted Timeline')
plot_event(train$followT_abs, abs_time=T, event=train$event, add=T, xyswitch=T, col='blue')
pred_time <- plot_event(predicted_boot, xyswitch=T, eval_at = seq(500, 700, 50))
legend('bottomright', c('data used to train model', 'true timeline', 'predicted timeline'), lwd=2, col=c('blue', 'black', 'red'))

##      n_event     time  5% time 95% time
## [1,]     500 43.60571 43.33773 43.99611
## [2,]     550 46.90158 46.38358 47.39651
## [3,]     600 50.23076 49.47902 50.79577
## [4,]     650 55.20042 53.53378 56.64160
## [5,]     700 63.38812 61.16910 65.48845


A. Distribution

A.1 Piecewise Exponential Distribution

The hazard function, cumulative hazard function, PDF, CDF, quantile function of an exponential distribution r.v. t are: h(t)=λH(t)=λtf(t)=λeλtF(t)=1eλtQ(p)=log(1p)λ The hazard function, cumulative hazard function, PDF, survival function, quantile function of a piecewise exponential distribution r.v. t with breakpoints di are: h(t)={λ1,t<d1λ2,d1t<d2λr+1,tdrH(t)={λ1t,t<d1(λ1λ2)d1+λ2t,d1t<d2[ri=1(λiλi+1)di]+λr+1t,tdrf(t)=h(t)eH(t)={λ1eλ1t,t<d1λ2e(λ2λ1)d1λ2t,d1t<d2λr+1e[ri=1(λi+1λi)di]λr+1t,tdrS(t)=eH(t)={eλ1t,t<d1e(λ2λ1)d1λ2t,d1t<d2e[ri=1(λi+1λi)di]λr+1t,tdrQ(p)={log(1p)λ1p<1eλd1(λ2λ1)d1log(1p)λ21eλd1p<1e(λ2λ1)d1λ2d2[ri=1(λi+1λi)di]log(1p)λr+1p1e[ri=1(λi+1λi)di]λr+1dr

The PWEXP package provides dpwexp(), ppwexp(), qpwexp(), rpwexp() functions to the piecewise exponential distribution:

# Left Figure ------------------------------------------------------------
# use rpwexp function to generate piecewise exp samples with rate 2, 1, 3
r_sample <- rpwexp(50000, rate=c(2, 1, 3), breakpoint=c(0.3, 0.8))
hist(r_sample, freq=F, breaks=200, main="Density of Piecewsie Exp Dist", xlab='t', xlim=c(0, 1.2))

# piecewise exp density with rate 2, 1, 3 
t <- seq(0, 1.5, 0.01)
f2 <- dpwexp(t, rate=c(2, 1, 3), breakpoint=c(0.3, 0.8))
points(t, f2, col='red', pch=16)

# exp distribution can be a special case of piecewise exp distribution
f1 <- dpwexp(t, rate=2) 
lines(t, f1, lwd=2)
legend('topright', c('exp dist with rate 2','piecewise exp dist with rate 2, 1, 3','histogram of piecewise exp dist with rate 2, 1, 3'), col=c('black','red'), fill=c(NA, NA, 'grey'), border=c('white', 'white', 'black'), lty=c(1, NA, NA), pch=c(NA, 16, NA), lwd=2)

# Right Figure ------------------------------------------------------------
# CDF of piecewise exp with rate 2, 1, 3
F2 <- ppwexp(t, rate=c(2, 1, 3), breakpoint=c(0.3, 0.8), lower.tail=T)
plot(t, F2, type='l', col='red', lwd=2, main="CDF and Quantile Function of Piecewsie Exp Dist", xlim=c(0, 1.5), ylim=c(0, 1.5))

# CDF of exp dist is compatible with our package
F1 <- ppwexp(t, rate=2, lower.tail=T)
lines(t, F1, lwd=2)

# plot quantile functions of both distributions
lines(F1, qpwexp(F1, rate=2, lower.tail=T), lty=2, lwd=2)
lines(F2, qpwexp(F2, rate=c(2, 1, 3), breakpoint=c(0.3,0.8), lower.tail=T), col='red', lty=2, lwd=2)

abline(0, 1, col='grey')
legend('topleft', c('CDF of piecewise exp with rate 2, 1, 3', 'quantile function of piecewise exp with rate 2, 1, 3', 'CDF of exp with rate 2', 'quantile function of exp with rate 2'), col=c('red', 'red', 'black', 'black'), lty=c(1, 2, 1, 2), lwd=2)

A.2 Conditional Piecewise Exponential Distribution

The conditional survival function, CDF, PFD and quantile function of an exponential distribution t given t>T is S(t|t>T)=S(t)S(T)=eλTλtF(t|t>T)=1S(t)S(T)=1eλTλtf(t|t>T)=λeλTλtQ(p|t>T)=λTlog(1p)λ

The conditional survival function and CDF of a piecewise exponential distribution t given t>T is S(t|t>T)=S(t)S(T), then plug in S(t)S(T)F(t|t>T)=1S(t)S(T), then plug in S(t)S(T) The conditional quantile function of a piecewise exponential distribution t given t>T is Q(p|t>T)={λ1Tlog(1p)λ1,p<F(d1|t>T),T<d1[k1i=1(λi+1λi)di]+λ1Tlog(1p)λk,F(dk1|t>T)p<F(dk|t>T),T<d1[k1i=m(λi+1λi)di]+λmTlog(1p)λk,F(dk1|t>T)p<F(dk|t>T),dm1T<dm The PWEXP package provides ppwexp_conditional(), qpwexp_conditional(), rpwexp_conditional() functions for conditional piecewise exponential distribution:

# Left Figure ------------------------------------------------------------
# CDF and qunatile function of conditional piecewise exp with rate 2, 1, 3 given t > 0.1
t <- seq(0.1, 1.2, 0.01)
F2_con <- ppwexp_conditional(t, qT=0.1, rate=c(2, 1, 3), breakpoint=c(0.3, 0.8))
plot(t, F2_con, type='l', col='red', lwd=2, main="CDF and Quantile Function of Conditional \nPiecewsie Exp Dist", xlim=c(0, 1.2), ylim=c(0, 1.2))
lines(F2_con, qpwexp_conditional(F2_con, qT=0.1, rate=c(2, 1, 3), breakpoint=c(0.3,0.8)), lty=2, lwd=2, col='red')

# compare with CDF and quantile function of unconditional piecewise exp with rate 2, 1, 3
t <- seq(0, 1.2, 0.01)
F2 <- ppwexp(t, rate=c(2, 1, 3), breakpoint=c(0.3,0.8))
lines(t, F2, lwd=2)
lines(F2, qpwexp(F2, rate=c(2, 1, 3), breakpoint=c(0.3,0.8)), lty=2, lwd=2)
abline(v=0.1, col='grey')
abline(h=0.1, col='grey')
legend('topleft', c('CDF of piecewise exp dist given t > 0.1', 'quantile function of piecewise exp dist given t > 0.1', 'CDF of piecewise exp dist', 'quantile function of piecewise exp dist'), col=c('red', 'red', 'black', 'black'), lty=c(1, 2, 1, 2), lwd=2)

# Right Figure ------------------------------------------------------------
# use rpwexp_conditional function to generate piecewise exp samples with rate 2, 1, 3 given t > 0.1
r_sample_con <- rpwexp_conditional(3000, qT=0.1, rate=c(2, 1, 3), breakpoint=c(0.3,0.8))
plot(ecdf(r_sample_con), col='red', lwd=2,  main="Empirical CDF of Conditional Piecewsie Exp Dist", xlim=c(0, 1.2), ylim=c(0, 1))

# compare with its CDF
lines(seq(0.1, 1.2, 0.01), F2_con, lwd=2, lty=2)
legend('topleft', c('empirial CDF of piecewise exp dist given t > 0.1', 'true CDF of piecewise exp dist given t > 0.1'), col=c('red', 'black'), lty=c(1,2), lwd=2)

B. Estimation of Piecewise Exponential Model

B.1 Parameter Estimation

B.1.1 Hazard Rate Estimation with Known Breakpoints

The log likelihood function can be constructed as following: log(L)=jD1[log(λ1)λ1tj]+jC1[λ1tj]+jD2[log(λ2)+(λ2λ1)d1λ2tj]+jC2[(λ2λ1)d1λ2tj]++jDr+1{log(λr+1)+ri=1[(λi+1λi)di]λr+1tj}+jCr+1{ri=1[(λi+1λi)di]λr+1tj} where Dr or Cr are the index set of event time or censoring time that fall into rth interval of the piecewise exponential distribution.

When breakpoints d1 to dr are known, we can take a derivative of log(L) wrt λ: log(L)λ1=jD1[1/λ1tj]+jC1[tj]+jD2[d1]+jC2[d1]++jDr+1[d1]+jCr+1[d1]=nD1λ1jC1tjn2+d1log(L)λ2=jD2[1/λ2+d1tj]+jC2[d1tj]++jDr+1[d2+d1]+jCr+1[d2+d1]=nD2λ2jD2,C2(tjd1)n3+(d2d1)log(L)λr=nDrλrjDr,Cr(tjdr1)nr+1+(drdr1)log(L)λr+1=nDr+1λr+1jDr+1,Cr+1(tjdr) where nDr is the number of events that fall into the rth interval; nr+ is the number of events and censoring that fall into the rth to the end intervals.

Let all derivatives equal to 0, we obtain the MLE estimator of hazard rates: ˆλ1=nD1jC1tj+n2+d1ˆλ2=nD2jD2,C2(tjd1)+n3+(d2d1)ˆλr=nDrjDr,Cr(tjdr1)+nr+1+(drdr1)ˆλr+1=nDr+1jDr+1,Cr+1(tjdr)

B.2 Estimation of Breakpoints

B.2.1 MLE by Brute-force Search

The log likelihood function is differentiable wrt dr as long as dr is not equal to any event time or censoring time. We take the derivative of log(L) wrt dr: log(L)dr=jDr+1[λr+1λr]+jCr+1[λr+1λr]=nr+1+(λr+1λr) Since λr+1λr, then the derivative cannot be zero when dr is between two consecutive sample time points. This fact implies that only when dr is equal to any of the sample values, the log likelihood function achieves the maximum value.

Therefore, we can use a brute-force search to calculate the log likelihood function values for all potential breakpoint combinations. For each candidate, hazard rates can be estimated by the formula in Section B.1.1 and thus the log likelihood can be obtained. The breakpoints and hazard rates with the largest log likelihood value are the MLE estimator.

When the number of samples or the number of breakpoints are relatively large, the combination of breakpoints will be very large and the brute-force search may not be feasible. We will draw a random sub-sample first and then do exhaustive search based on the sub-sample. The argument in function controls the maximum combination candidates to try.

B.2.2 OLS on Survival Function

The second method to estimate breakpoints is based on the survival curve. Once we take a log transformation of the piecewise survival function, we will obtain a piecewise linear function: log(S(t))={λ1t,t<d1(λ2λ1)d1λ2t,d1t<d2[ri=1(λi+1λi)di]λr+1t,tdr=λ1t+(λ1λ2)(td1)++(λrλr+1)(tdr)+

Let Yi be the log value of KM estimate at ti. Following Muggeo (2003), we use (ti,Yi) to fit the piecewise log survival function log(S(t)) and obtain the OLS breakpoints ˆdr. Once breakpoints are determined, hazard rates can be estimated by the formula in Section B.1.1.

B.2.3 Hybrid Method

The breakpoints estimated in Section B.2.2 are not exactly but very close to the MLE estimator. In order to obtain the MLE estimator, we combine brute-force search with OLS method.

Specifically, instead of drawing a random sub-sample in Section B.2.1, we draw a sub-sample from the values within 95% percent confidence intervals of the estimated breakpoints from Section B.2.2. Then we do exhaustive search based on the sub-sample. The argument in function controls the maximum combination candidates to try. The hybrid method improves the efficiency and accuracy of the estimation procedure.

B.3 Summary

The procedure of parameter estimation is summarized in the diagram below:

C. Deal with Tail Problem

In the real data cases, sometimes there may be an ‘abnormal’ tail as shown in Figure below. The KM curve has a sudden drop at 32M. If we do not deal with the sudden drop, and fit a piecewise exponential model directly to the data, then we will obtain model m1 (the red curve). This will over-estimate the hazard rate in tail.

There are several ways to alleviate this problem:

  • Use exclude_int parameter to exclude any breakpoints near the tail (m2 in purple)
  • Use min_pt_tail parameter (default: min_pt_tail=5) to include more events in the hazard rate estimation of the last piece (m3 in orange)
  • Cut the data before the sudden drop, and then fit a model to the cut data (m4 in green).
plot_survival(dat$Survival.time, dat$Status, main='Survival Function of an Example Dataset', lwd=2)
# fit a model without robust tail control
m1 <-$Survival.time, dat$Status, nbreak = 4)
plot_survival(m1, col='red', show_breakpoint = F, lwd=3)
# use `exclude_int` parameter to exclude any breakpoints after 23M
m2 <-$Survival.time, dat$Status, nbreak = 4, exclude_int = c(23,Inf))
plot_survival(m2, col='purple', show_breakpoint = F, lwd=3)
# use `min_pt_tail` parameter to include at least 10 events in the hazard rate estimation of the last piece
m3 <-$Survival.time, dat$Status, nbreak = 4, min_pt_tail = 10)
plot_survival(m3, col='orange', show_breakpoint = F, lwd=3)
# cut the data at 32M, and then fit a model to the cut data
dat <- cut_dat(cut = 32, dat, var_followT = 'Survival.time', var_event = 'Status')
m4 <-$Survival.time, dat$Status, nbreak = 4)
plot_survival(m4, col='green', show_breakpoint = F, lwd=3)

legend('bottomleft', legend=c('with no tail control', 'no breakpoints after 23M', 
                              'use at least 10 events to estimate the tail', 
                              'cut data at 32M'),
       col=c('red','purple','orange','green'), lwd=3)

D. Simulate Event Curve or Timeline

We can use the sim_followup() function to estimate the event curve or timeline at the trial design stage. The piecewise hazard rate comes from clinical suggestions or data curve fit from previous literature.

For example, here we assume we have two groups:

  • two groups with sample size ratio 1:2 (treatment vs. control);
  • randomization rate is 20 pt/month and the total sample size is 1000;
  • the primary endpoint (event) follows an piecewise distribution with hazard rate 0.1, 0.01, 0.02 at breakpoints 5, 14 for the control group; the hazard ratio (treatment vs. control) is 0.7.

We want to estimate the number of events every 10 months from month 20. We can also estimate the time needed given the number of events.

# define the piecewiese exponential event generation function
myevent_dist_trt <- function(n)rpwexp(n, rate=c(0.1, 0.01, 0.2)*0.7, breakpoint=c(5,14))
myevent_dist_con <- function(n)rpwexp(n, rate=c(0.1, 0.01, 0.2), breakpoint=c(5,14))

# user defined summary function: the proportion of subjects that are followed more than 12 month
prop_12 <- function(x)mean(x >= 12)

# estimate the event curve or timeline:
event_curve <- sim_followup(at=seq(20,90,10), type = 'calendar', group = c('trt','con'),
             rand_rate = 20, total_sample = 1000, drop_rate = 0.03, allocation = 1:2,
             advanced_dist = list(event_dist=c(myevent_dist_trt, myevent_dist_con)),
             by_group = T, stat = c(median, prop_12), start_date = "2020-01-01", rep=50)
time_curve <- sim_followup(at=seq(200,600,50), type = 'event', group = c('trt','con'),
                    rand_rate = 20, total_sample = 1000, drop_rate = 0.03, allocation = 1:2,
                    advanced_dist = list(event_dist=c(myevent_dist_trt, myevent_dist_con)),
                    stat = c(median, prop_12), start_date = "2020-01-01", rep=50)
# plot event curve or timeline
plot(event_curve$T_all$analysis_time_c, event_curve$T_all$event, xlab='Time', ylab='Number of events', type='b', main='Event curve', lwd=2)
plot(time_curve$T_all$event, time_curve$T_all$analysis_time_c, xlab='Number of events', ylab='Time', type='b', main='Timeline given number of events', lwd=2)

## $T_all
##   at analysis_time analysis_time_c  event subjects    median   prop_12
## 1 20            20      2021-08-31 144.32      400  7.433767 0.2753500
## 2 30            30      2022-07-02 274.66      600  9.697377 0.4127667
## 3 40            40      2023-05-02 413.06      800 11.473202 0.4826000
## 4 50            50      2024-03-01 552.66     1000 12.787177 0.5230000
## 5 60            60      2024-12-31 638.74     1000 17.289703 0.6614000
## 6 70            70      2025-10-31 688.84     1000 21.580575 0.6893600
## 7 80            80      2026-09-01 696.52     1000 22.728576 0.6893600
## 8 90            90      2027-07-02 697.72     1000 22.728576 0.6893600
## $T_by_group
##    at group analysis_time analysis_time_c  event subjects    median   prop_12
## 1  20   con            20      2021-08-31 103.46   264.72  7.465250 0.2756532
## 9  20   trt            20      2021-08-31  40.86   135.28  7.325042 0.2743635
## 2  30   con            30      2022-07-02 194.72   398.62  9.621990 0.4104070
## 10 30   trt            30      2022-07-02  79.94   201.38  9.834988 0.4174446
## 3  40   con            40      2023-05-02 289.84   532.46 11.400978 0.4794756
## 11 40   trt            40      2023-05-02 123.22   267.54 11.650632 0.4887271
## 4  50   con            50      2024-03-01 386.00   666.32 12.712905 0.5207442
## 12 50   trt            50      2024-03-01 166.66   333.68 12.883114 0.5275161
## 5  60   con            60      2024-12-31 443.04   666.32 17.235296 0.6593266
## 13 60   trt            60      2024-12-31 195.70   333.68 17.452335 0.6655516
## 6  70   con            70      2025-10-31 474.46   666.32 21.533297 0.6875715
## 14 70   trt            70      2025-10-31 214.38   333.68 21.820031 0.6929413
## 7  80   con            80      2026-09-01 478.34   666.32 22.566857 0.6875715
## 15 80   trt            80      2026-09-01 218.18   333.68 23.026074 0.6929413
## 8  90   con            90      2027-07-02 478.80   666.32 22.566857 0.6875715
## 16 90   trt            90      2027-07-02 218.92   333.68 23.026074 0.6929413
## $T_all
##    at analysis_time analysis_time_c event subjects    median   prop_12
## 1 200      24.37533      2022-01-11   200   487.32  8.497308 0.3509681
## 2 250      28.16769      2022-05-07   250   563.58  9.314588 0.3951767
## 3 300      31.87696      2022-08-28   300   637.62 10.103410 0.4288246
## 4 350      35.42872      2022-12-14   350   709.22 10.733624 0.4549033
## 5 400      39.05356      2023-04-03   400   781.50 11.328161 0.4779267
## 6 450      42.67328      2023-07-22   450   853.18 11.868305 0.4954207
## 7 500      46.20119      2023-11-07   500   924.10 12.319780 0.5093769
## 8 550      49.77912      2024-02-24   550   989.94 12.878765 0.5249844
## 9 600      54.55579      2024-07-18   600  1000.00 14.858703 0.5848200


[1] Muggeo, V. M. (2003). Estimating regression models with unknown break-points. Statistics in medicine, 22(19), 3055-3071.